About Our Lake George Resort & Vacation Rentals

Unique among Lake George resorts, Lincoln Log Colony offers family vacation rentals in Lake George, and lies on the land that was the beginning of the “Old Military Road” from the “Great Encampment” to Fort Edward some 18 miles away.

Beautiful Lake George, New York combined with the evergreen forests on the steep mountains of the Adirondacks is protected by the Constitution of the State of New York to remain forever as nature’s place to relax, to recreate and break away from urban living.

If you have seen the movie “Last of the Mohicans”,you will recall that the English prisoners from the 1757 surrender of Fort William Henry began a march to Fort Edward. A massacre took place as the fierce Indian tribes allied with the French killed the English and Colonial prisoners. Lincoln Log Colony is built on this spot. When the swimming pool was dug, many artifacts from the Colonial era were uncovered. The “Great Encampment” was rebuilt as Fort George during the Revolutionary War. just walk down Fort George Road (about 100 feet from Lincoln Log) to Fort George Park and tour the remains. You can see the rifle pits, a monument dedicated to the Colonial Soldiers, the famous Isaac Jogues Statue (The Jesuit who discovered Lake George), and a Mohawk Indian bronze statue.